An excursion to discover the old hamlets beyond the Agogna river, in the territory of Ameno. Remarkable views to the lake and monte Rosa during the way, and enchanting places hidden in chesnut wood. Time3.30 hoursDiff. Height300 mDifficultiesEMapAmeno
Our walk starts from park of the beautiful Villa Nigra, then following tracks in wood we reach the old hamlet of Pisogno and we go through the valley of Agogna river. Time2.30 hoursDiff. Height--- mDifficultiesTMapMiasino - Villa Nigra
3 days in the Dolomites Memories from a late September tour. Three days spent in the Dolomites living an“experience”, I can’t find a better word to describe those moments. It was not (only) a sightseeing tour, not (only) trekking, it was rather a permanent and pleasant moment of sharing, where the participants’ sensations and feelings, [...]
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